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Pourquoi investir dans une trousse de secours

Ecrit par: medisafefr
Nombre de lectures: 972
Nombre de mots: 693

An accident happened very quickly, especially when you have children, whatever their age, and that it has an active life (sports, outings in the forest ...). Therefore, to avert any eventuality, it is essential to be adequately prepared.

This preparation is primarily theoretical in nature and each member of the family must be aware of what to do if something goes wrong. Even the youngest can be alone with an adult victim of a malaise, and they need to know how to respond, who to contact, the numbers needed. The most important thing is to teach them not to panic. Many tragedies could be avoided if everyone was properly prepared. Why not take a course in first aid family for example?

Once the integrated theory, it must obviously be prepared on a practical level, whatever the situation. For example it is important to be well informed about possible natural disasters in the region where you are, and reflect changes when on vacation, or at different seasons of the year. It should also provide sufficient food to take a few days in case of prolonged immobilization, not to mention drinking water supplies because water is often scarce in disaster.

It may also be appropriate for a "survival kit" person in the house but also to ensure that the car is equipped with a few essentials, such as survival blankets, fire extinguisher, a few bottles of water and, well course, the famous first-aid kit.

First aid kit or first aid kit is essential, both at home and abroad, and it must contain some essential to be truly effective. These are of course essential bandages, plasters, disinfectants and other scissors and tweezers in case of splinters or pieces of glass, but these must be added a few other basic items, depending on the situation. For a first aid kit hiking for example, do not forget to bring a vacuum-venom and what immobilize a limb in case of fracture. In the mountains, the famous little bottles of chemicals that produce heat instantly. The survival blankets are just as appropriate. At home medicine cabinet should focus on injuries as well as on minor illnesses, and may include some cough syrup, anti-diarrhea, pain killers and anti-inflammatory and an ... box in advance of any drug that a member of the family regularly consumes.

Some kits will incorporate more advanced mask mouth to mouth or even a defibrillator.

You will understand, a first aid kit is perfect only when it includes the elements necessary to deal with any eventualities according to whom it is intended and where it might be used. It may be interesting to add some energy bars in the survival kit for hiking, but this precaution is unnecessary for the medicine cabinet home. Also consider renewing drugs, food or equipment that the optimal date of use is exceeded, so as to have permanently your "survival kit" ready to use.

A propos de l'auteur

Quelle que soit la trousse de secours dont vous avez besoin, Medi Safe propose une large gamme d’ armoire a pharmacie pour les professionnels comme pour les particuliers, avec tout l’équipement nécessaire pour les premiers soins.

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