Tendances dominantes sur le marché mondial de l’or et de l’argent
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A étudeattentive the price of gold and silver is always desirable, and for both sellers and buyers. This study provides information that can be very useful for both parties. Market experts believe it will take some time for the course of these two precious metals back down and return to their underlying trends. However, the owners of gold and silver must savoirque the gold and silver market is not in bad shape and that many misconceptions on the subject. To better understand the situation, here are the dominant trends prevailing in the market of gold and silver, trends that influence both the behavior of buyers and sellers.
Curves Market secular trend
According to market experts, there has always been, in recent years, a few months that we will see a breach of the trend line. However, around April and May 2014, gold fell below the trendline and compromise from outside the boundaries of the established trend. Although the studies can not be based solely on that single result, it may nevertheless that the current correction is a kind of reaction similar "extended" to all the trendline. While it is always possible that the secular bull market expires, the current basic conditions do not call at the end of the state of the market as it stands now.
The investments in gold and silver
One of the best indicators of major investment in the demand for gold and silver is the amount of physical metals held by credit ETFs (exchange traded funds). Although the main role is played by the largest ETFs in the market, the smaller investment structures will also play a significant role. According to market analysts, there was significant gold output in 2013 reached 30%, and another 8% of ETFs was released in 2014.
Gold is higher in most currencies
Most global markets are watching the price of gold in US dollars; it became the international currency. It is equally important to look at the price of gold and money in other currencies, each company having a fixed amount budgeted for the two metals. The value of gold has surged in all major currencies in 2014, from 6% to 13%; the only exception was gold in US dollars, which has not experienced a significant increase.
If you are wondering where to sell your gold for the best price, contact the specialists of Silver and Gold for Cash. The company is one of the best gold buying companies operating throughout Canada.
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