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Rechercher: » Internet » E-commerce » L’Apec and the American network LinkedIn are now partners

L’Apec and the American network LinkedIn are now partners

Ecrit par: Global
Nombre de lectures: 1431
Nombre de mots: 231

L’Apec[i] (The French employment agency for executives) and the professional network LinkedIn associate their forces within a partnership for a better influence on the human resources field. The 20 million members around the world of linkedIn (the first, in front of French Viadeo and German Xing) offer an important potentiality of contacts to the members of the Apec, interested by an increased visibility, an employment or a reorientation of their careers. The concrete things must, in theory, start as of March 11, on the web site of the Apec with a free offer of key functionalities of LinkedIn.  The ambition of LinkedIn is less to connect executives between them than to manage in an effective way a true professional network.

Apec is the third national site of employment (behind those of ANPE and Monster) Apec attracts on its site on line some 40.000 companies and up to 600.000 cadres. APEC draws its incomes from the contributions of the companies and members, as well as its services (subcontracting for ANPE, studies, conferences, etc).  On the other hand, LinkedIn, the company adds up 4 sources of income (publicity, job offers, Premium services, sale of services to the companies).

[i] Agence pour l’emploi des cadres.  France

 Reference :  French magazine « Les Echos ».

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We are two students of Master Global E-business, université de Lille 1.  We are making this blog to share information about global e-business, IT, management and all other subjects related.

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